Simply Spectacular!!
In journaling, no part of this day could be left out. Well, maybe the Linzer Tart but I kept it in because when in Linz one must try it.
A tour bus ride with a few walking spots showed us the magnificence of Linz, Austria. Our tour guide was extremely well educated in all things Linz. Wearing the traditional dirndl she was funny and pleasant to listen to. She was extremely proud of her city and her enthusiasm was infectious.
Largest cathedral in all of Austria is here. The New Cathedral (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception) has a capacity of 20,000.
Ever thought you would like a week of solitude? A small room at the top of the cathedral will play host if you care to put yourself on the eight month waiting list.
Tried the famous Linzer Tart. Not particularly my taste but others seemed to quite like it. So if you are ever here it is certainly worth a try.
The tour bus wound it's way up the hills on the other side of the Danube. The countryside is well groomed and inherently holds a sense of contentment.
When Austria joined the European Union the farmers in Austria, not capable of producing the volume of products to compete on the open market, needed to specialize. The farmer we were about to meet, instead, decided to invest in building a restaurant. His plan was to continue to produce a number of products as a traditional farm would. All that we were to try today was from this farm.
High in the hills, overlooking the countryside we first enjoyed three types of cider (apple, pear and a mix of both). Yummy. My favourite was the mixed one.
Served on a wooden board, we tried two cheeses, egg, two varieties of ham, horseradish, cucumber, pickle, yellow pepper, dumpling and potato salad. What a treat! Sampling all while enjoying the ambiance the countryside provided. The day’s weather was stupendous. Clear skies allowed us to see for miles. The glass walls of the restaurant allowed for unimpeded views.
Done lunch. We watched as the farmer called to and let his cows out of the barn. Odd to see the cows walk by our massive coach bus.
The farmer was so exuberant. Pleased as punch that his farm was able to support his and his sister's families. He was truly living his dream.
It is hard to adequately describe the time spent at the farm. Suffice it to say it was absolutely wonderful. :)
Dropped off at the city center I browsed the shops in town for a bit. The pedestrian only streets are great!
Our day in Linz was fabulous.
A private dinner arranged for our group was being held in the captain's dining room. The River Beatrice is extraordinary in its decadence. A fixed menu left us all pleasantly plump. We thoroughly enjoyed our after dinner glow.
Cards in the lounge and closing down the bar kept us busy until bedtime.
Awesome day!!!