Chalkful of character.
It took less than a day for the marvelously relaxed nature of PEI to take hold. Rolling hills of lush countryside speckled with meticulously kept homes lent itself well to the laid back lifestyle enjoyed by all.
With fresh air seemingly fresher, and quiet seemingly quieter, I am motivated to journal my stay here. The wonderfully simple atmosphere removes complexities making way for thought and creativity. Artists must find this place an absolute inspiration for their work.
Sitting on the beach, amid the Greenwich dunes, I mentally take a piece of charcoal and begin to imagine how striking the canvas would become were I to sketch the scene. The warm sea is of good temperament today. Lazy respectful waves, clear water and a sandy bottom invite visitors to enjoy a refreshing dip. Grains of sand, easily picked up by a gust of wind, cause me to focus on the fragile dunes. Facing inland the sand keeps its silky white colour as it rises into high dunes. Patches of grass rooted in the dunes do their best to keep the transient sand in place. Forever changing dunes reflect well the acceptance and tough, yet easy going, nature of the Islanders. It saddens me to think that the ravages of wind and constant erosion from the water are, inch by inch, stealing this island from us.
After a wonderful couple of hours of sun, water and reflection, it is time to head back. Crossing over the dunes and walking across the expansive boardwalk I am thankful for the chance to visit such a treasure of a spot.
Memories of the dunes solidified, lobster supper in New Glasgow has me day dreaming of how marvelous it will be. A pound and a half lobster with all the mussels I can eat, takes me to a new level of loving this island. Great laughs with my travel mates and that gosh darn lobster bib strip away any lingering city life tension.
With my brain in, an island imposed, fabulous melancholy, I step into the local Lion’s Club to attend a ceilidh (kitchen party). A trip to PEI would not be complete without enjoying the sounds of fiddling. Fiddlers Son was slated to play. Locals and tourists gathered in the Lion's Club main room. Taking our seats I was struck by how spectacular this hometown gathering is. Cars spilling over the parking lot into the adjacent field while strawberries and ice cream were to be served at intermission. The music was fantastic and the support for the local talent even more so. We clapped and tapped our feet to the rhythm. The camaraderie of the evening and great music, of course, left us feeling truly a part of PEI culture. What an evening! What a day!
Located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence this smallest Canadian province is worth its weight in serenity.